
2012 - Week 19 Cooking

So I did some reorganization in my kitchen yesterday, moving things to be more visiable, moving several baking items from way above the sink (hard to open cupboard without worrying about something falling on me), to a lower, but far more accessible then they were.  Moving bowls from where the oil and vinegar was, to where they are next to the counter, and while not as visible, better for placement (their order is relatively the same).  Then I finally reordered the cupboard, which was driving me insane, so that the things that are used by Shannon (who is shorter then me) to the lower corners (vitamins, soups, etc) and lowering the shelf so that it's high enough to hold the short things, but low enough to only allow one level of things.  Some cans are not really designed to be stacked anymore (rounded bottom to fit w/ lipped top).  So while doing this, I found that I had double of many things, and triple of both dried shitakes and vanilla.

The squeezable honey container doesn't appear to have sealed very well nor had the Karo syrup (cleaned area, dumped products).  Luckily I still have half a jar of honey from Blue Gate and farmer's market is back in season (several convenient honey vendors).  I hope this new organization works out, I am liking how they look now, but have yet to really use it in practice (last night's dinner was using things that didn't really move).

Farmers' Market started up yesterday.  It felt good to see and talk to my Farmers' Market friends.  I upped my budget to $60 / week this year (after I moved it down to $50 last year).  It's a tough limitation to follow because even with the double that for the first market ($120) I still had to limit myself.  The Market was crowded even at Just after 7:AM when I showed up and got worse by the time I left (around 9:AM).  Usually with the early rise, you are able to beat the crowd and get what you need.  There usually a bit of churn to market vendors, some people sell there stuff, decided it's not worth it to come back, or whatever marks their decision (there were a few that I've spoken to where it wasmonetary).  And then a few that just decide to go wholesale or whatever.  I was depressed to find out that it doesn't appear as if Grinnell Heritage Farm will be at the market (converting most of their business to a CSA, I assume).  I will miss them (especially their carrots).  It's good to be back, and being able to get things again.  I got some salad greens, restocked my jams, got some more honey for work (tea), eggs, feta, robiola, chevre, ground pork and beef, and Jowl Bacon (  I just rearranged some stuff in the fridge and touch the paper package around the bacon and it left it's smokiness on my hands through the paper (the other bacon from Crooked Gap is like that too).  

This week will be pretty simple, we've got a few things going on and painting (our bedroom) at the end of the week.