
2012 - Week 40 Cooking

​So I am going to have to simple down a bit here.  I've been leaving work later and later, which pushes dinner back later and later, which is a problem.  I only imagine it'll get worse before it starts to get better.

I reserved my turkey for thanksgiving.  I went a bit smaller then I have in the past, because, due to a decision outside of me, I will probably have less guests this year.  There ​is not much I can do with it, I was looking forward to cooking for my mom, and having my brother living down here, close enough that it wouldn't be such a challenge to do some cooking over there too.  Oh well, I think I'll be us an my wife's family.  I'm going to reduce some choices, and not push their tastes to much (though I stand by the Cornbread and Guanciale Dressing, cured pork jowl or not, that was delicious).  I need to start trimming down what I make to be less wasteful.  I cleaned out the fridge this past week and what I threw away made me sad.