
2013 - Week 10 Cooking Results

Chicken Goulash with Biscuit Dumplings (p64 Food & Wine March 2013)

​So this was very good.  It's not very often that my local Hy-Vee has boneless chicken thighs  so when they do, I tend to buy up as much as can fit in my freezer.  Since my freezer is still fairly full, I didn't buy to much, and ended up using it in this dish.  This came together pretty well, though it's sauce was a bit to thin (perhaps I should've added more flour), but when it was time to add it, I thought that perhaps the dumplings would've soaked up a bit of the liquidness.  And they did, in the bowl, but it was still necessary to use a spoon, instead of a fork.  Even so, this was quite good, and worth another doing.

Country-Style Potato-Leek Soup with Kielbasa (p39 Entertaining Spring 2013)

I wish I would've had better Kielbasa, but I did have a coupon, so I guess that's ok.  Plus it saved me a trip.  But even so this came together well.  After I bought the amount of leeks that I needed, Shannon expressed concerns about having that many leeks in one dish, but after the reduction of the water in the leeks, it just reduced to be not near as much as one would expect by just looking.  When all was said and done, it came together quickly and tested pretty good, except for the lame Kielbasa (Johnsonville).

​Spicy Sichuan-Style Lamb with Cumin (p61 Food & Wine February 2013)

This was spicy, certainly spicier then I think either of us was expecting.  Certainly the heat with the lamb flavor was a bit unexpected, but still very good.  I suppose I would keep it the same way, but turn it down a bit for Shannon.  It's not often that I'd say this, but I think this could've used more vegetables.  A red bell pepper maybe?

Pasta with Abruzzi-Style Lamb Sauce (p98 Food & Wine March 2013)

Delayed until next week.​  We were coming back from Heath's first birthday, and decided on burritos (of the bandit variety) instead of me cooking.  Which I suppose is the 3rd night this week we've done so (Baru 66's La Quercia Dinner and eating separately while I was off prepping instructions and boxes for Chris's Brick Built Science Center of Iowa thing).