
2015 - Week 41 Cooking Results

Chickpea, Sweet Potato and Pumpkin Curry over rice

Forgot the sweet potato, so the contents were a little lacking.  The flavor overall was ok, but not one of my best.

Baked Pasta with Merguez and Harissa Spiked Sauce


Taco Salad

Used some leftover things, some new things and a quick meal ensues.

Spicy Carrot Sandwiches

Good as always.  I was so late getting home that this was the only reasonable course to take.  I had planned on making my own hummus, but the food processor was needed for another purpose.  So I ran to the store to pick some up.  Then home to make this for dinner, then made some pumpkin bread, while I slowly ate my own dinner, when I was able.


Quick and good, with the sudden realization that we need to pick up more syrup from Great River Maple, they should be at the market next week.

Pumpkin Lasagna

So this is a complicated dish to execute.  It is made a whole lot easier to make when you have a kitchen helper.  So Nathan made the bechamel while I made the pumpkin and sausage mix.  In this I usually get distracted as to what is going on, so I don't get to pay as close to timing as I should.  But clearly the recipe needs an update to adjust for both the amount of content in the dish (overflowed and made the house a bit (maybe more then a bit) smokey) and the timing.  The thickening of the bechamel took quite a bit longer then my own recipe states and so did the pumpkin and sausage mix.  So in that, It would clearly make it more difficult to get the timing about right.  Anyways, other then the smokey room, it turned out pretty well.  Enjoyed by most.  It did make me happy to know, when I mentioned that it was being made, more then one person attempted to invite themselves over :-D