
2016 - Week 1 Cooking Results

Chicken Burrito with Brown Rice

Relatively simple, nothing to exciting, but still good.  Made extra rice to use for the fried rice.

Fried Brown Rice with Scallions and Eggs

Simple, quick (since rice was already was made).  Pretty tasty, nice simple meal.

Herbed Chickpeas over Noodles

I was supposed to dry the chickpeas, this was supposed to crisp them up.  I didn't, however do that, so there wasn't any crispy chickpea bits.  Even so, it was filling, kind of bland but filling.  I had to get parsley late in the week, the chives looked way to thick to be chives.  I did, however, find the battery that I was looking for (HDMI switcher remote).


So I broke out some leftover (bought it for New Years) Salami Americano to top the pizza.  It tastes so good and cubes up nicely.  I had forgot / was to busy to make dough early enough in the week to have this on Friday, so we had it on Saturday.

There is always some difficulty when using a new meat on pizza.  You want to make sure that the meat doesn't exude to much fat, but you want it to use some.  So if you pre-cook the meat, you make cook it to much, so when you put it in the oven, it over cooks.  But if you don't, the meat may exude to many juices and run over the side of the crust and make the edges soggy.

So we ended up with some soggy edges (to be fair, the kitchen was cold so the pizza dough didn't rise as much as it should've.  Even so, good things.  Very good things.

Cuban Style Black Beans and Rice (Saturday)

Week got weird and busy with some late work nights, delayed.