
2016 - Week 27 Cooking

Today is part of the period of the year where Chris and I are the same(ish) age, Nathan is older then me by count.  The big round number is coming up.  While I have been fairly reflective lately, it is more around emotions and feelings and subsequent reactions and less on significant digits or round numbers.  That being said, Shannon and I counting down to 10 years of marriage.

Due to an accident with a Toddy brewer (there is no place in the kitchen that isn't crowded), I've decided to try another method, so I picked up a Hario Mizudashi.  I ran my first run with the directions that I found on the Hario website (since the ones I got were in Japanese, the ones online are at least a mix of english and Japanese).  So mistakes the first round.  I assumed that I would need course ground coffee (medium or fine would've been fine, the filter is very fine).  I also am used to a 24+ hour brew on the toddy, so what was produced after 10 or 11 hours, was not the dark inky blackness that I'm used to.  It still produced a very good cold brew.  So I started the second batch today, so I can get a longer brew on it.  It'll be a mix of mostly medium ground with some course ground (leftover), so we'll see how it turns out.  It is a pretty container, though a bit tall, so it fits on the bottom door shelf (which is probably for the best, since it makes it less likely to fall over).  Anyways, experiments continue, the only issue so far is that I'll clearly have to make cold brew more often.

Because of holidays, and other events, short cooking week.