
2016 - Week 36 Cooking Results

Taco Salad (requested)

I had a nice mix of peppers, from mild to hot (Thanks Sean!), though I didn't add the ghost pepper in there (I like things hot, but uh, I'm not stupid).  So this is where things become challenging.  So I like some beans on my tacos or taco salad, but having beans + having tortillas (chips or no) really presses the carb limit boundaries.  So I having lesser, or whatever doesn't work.  Another vast difference, is that I use actually really good greens that you don't want to overwhelm with other things, because they're not like tasteless ice berg.  So there's always a nice balance of things.  I'm happy that I have these wonderful ingredients available to me.

Genoa Salami Pizza (requested)

When you even mention making a crust, most people back away, but what they don't realize is that the recipe that I use is super easy.  Only mildly modified from the Cook's Illustrated method, but it's food processor / time + 3 day rise.  Easy sauce, most of it is just time.  This turned out great.  I added a bit more tomato paste, which helped thicken up the sauce (the amount of water in the tomatoes can vary quite a bit), which prevented it from leaking over into the side (which it does from time to time), which lead to the golden brown crust on the bottom.

Butternut Squash Noodles with Italian Sausage, Kale (yard) and Chevre

So these ended up being pre-packaged zucchini noodles, which was fine.  it clearly doesn't have the same texture as pasta, but enough to remind you of it, and to keep the carb levels low enough to actually eat (and reduce the calories as well).  So I'm thinking of getting a spiralizer, cause frankly at the cost that the packages come in, it'll pay for itself quickly.

I guess this indicates that I'm starting to flex that food related part of my brain again to work around problems (like I'm willing to do with other people's dietary restrictions, but not really my own).  So that's probably good.  I've had problems adjusting to the healthy recipies cause my inner fat kid wants more fat and more carbs.

I cut some leaves off the top of the overgrown kale plant in the side yard (took the place of the basil and dill that decided not to re-grow).  I think I'll be using more off of there.  

Goat Cheese & Chive (yard) stuffed Chicken Breast

I'm really please with how this turned out (well on one of them, the other one I cut the chicken pocket a bit thin).  Fresh cut chives

Buttermilk Pancakes

I had a limited quantity (1 double sized pancake), but sometimes you do things cause you love your wife, you know?