
2017 - Week 49 Cooking Results

Thai Coconut Chicken Soup (Previously done 2013 Week 1)

Came together quickly, as previously stated.  I used a surprisingly large Sweet potato.  The problem came about when I went to the storage rack and there was no more chicken stock.  Usually I buy a box of cartons of CostCo, but apparently I had ran out at some point.  I had half a carton (2 cups left) so added water for the rest.  I need to do some restocking.

Quick Tomato Chicken Curry

I started early, because we went to see Waitress at the Civic Center last night.  It came together pretty quickly and I was able to chill out quite a bit while it simmered and finished.  Not to bad, though I didn't have all the spices I needed (could've sworn I had some garam masala in my spice stash), so I did a bit of replacement here and there may not have measured everything exactly.  Even so, my house smells like curry, as it does.

Hot Dogs! (I think that's the stash, I'll have to reorganize the frozen items)

Nom nom.  I think we are done for now.

Cheese Free Sweet Potato Quesadillas (May add meat & cheese, cause I'm me and protein)

I cooked the beef chorizo, mashed the sweet potatoes and combined all the ingredients and the cheese.  Turned out pretty well.

Chorizo Taco Salad

Never the same twice, always pretty good.