
2017 - Week 20 Cooking Results

Exciting week with storms ripping through the metro and causing problems.  I actually called the cops to do a welfare check on the lady that lives behind me, because half a fairly large tree fell on her house.  When the cops showed up, the rain had stopped, I had arrived at home and I walked back as well.  It appears as if the lightning struck and split one of the trees in her yard.  She was clearly shaken by the experience.  We were without power for a few hours.

Ricotta Scrambled Eggs and buttered Ramps on Toast

So anytime you combine butter and eggs, you have a good start, then you add ramps?  om nom nom nom.

Ground Goat burgers

Lamb was at the store, bought lamb, made lamb burgers instead.

Chicken and Green Bean Stir Fry

Didn't feel like stir fry, made sandwiches instead.

Roast Chicken Tacos w/ Radishes

This turned into ground chicken and leftover ground beef.  Easy and good.  Also turned into a salad (which Shannon prefers over tacos).

Spicy Carrot Sandwiches

So this is where my general disappointment comes in.  I love this sandwich, I had planned to have this sandwich earlier in the week, but when I stopped to get bread, I went with what was convenient.  It's been a while since I bought South Union bread, and frankly there's several reasons why.   The main one being that the quality has dropped down into the not worth buying category.  But the hours open, and on the way home.  The loaf of "sour dough" was terrible...not sour, not even remotely what on would expect out of a loaf of quality bread.  So disappointing.

After picking up a loaf from La Mie (they close to early for an after work pickup), I was able to make this to my level of expectation.