
2018 - Week 37 Cooking

I have a smoker in my garage.  And while I don't feel as if it is mine, I believe I was told that it is.  However, it's the type of smoker that requires the constant tending, that I am not generally willing to do (I have done things that are long cooking and need monitoring, but that usually involves me napping or reading on the couch).  In doing research I have been coming up with a smokers to kind of start me off, and Traeger certainly makes the list, but they're on the expensive side.  One of their reps were at the local(ish) CostCo and made a pretty convincing argument, but the cost...the cost is challenging.  While trying to reduce debt and continue to live, it's always a balance to make high cost decisions, especially on something that I could end up not really using.  I guess the same could be said of the Sous Vide thing.  That's not near as expensive though.  That being said, I'm still thinking about both.