
2019 - Week 3 Cooking

I was able to spend some time with my brother, and it was very nice. I believe the quote of the time, was when I described what we were doing (playing video games), “We are spending time together where we don’t have to talk about anything, it’s a very Kurth thing to do”.

I am about to start to week three of my transition from one anti-depressant to another (not that it’s not working, but due to possible GI side effects). So far things are…well doing okish. I’m uncertain as if this dose is the right amount, but I think I need to let my body re-adjust. In doing a bit of research, I found the one I was on, is one of the harder ones to ween off of, so there is that. Yesterday was the last half pill.

Friday and Saturday were rough on my foot and bone spur recovery. I think with the walks I’ve had through the week, though still very short compared to what I have done (1.5 miles x 4 days this week vs (3.5 + 1.5) * 5 days a week). Yesterday while doing snow removal and loading and unloading the car for errands, it became very clear that the custom orthotics that I was prescribed to help me walk better, disconnect me from the feeling of the ground, or at least feeling it in a way I am used to. I probably aggravated my Achilles tendon, which my bone spur is hiding behind, and have had quite a setback and have to concentrate to walk normally and it’s quite painful.

This morning, I set down my cold brew wrong, and it fell and shattered in the living room. I had to discourage the cats from investigating while I cleaned up, including the shards of glass, tiny and large. It seems relatively odd to me that we’ve had the same set of glasses over the last…decade or so. But in the last year we’ve had 3 or 4 shatter (1 drop, 2 sinks, one set down wrong).

While driving home / waiting in traffic one day this past week, I tried to write a haiku to describe the feelings, and sight of the traffic that is on 63rd. I didn’t finish it. I may have to try again.