
2019 - Week 17 Cooking Results

Mac & Cheese with Ham

I took a couple of hunks of the broken down ham and chopped them up. Then seared them in a pan. when the Mac & Cheese was close to being finished. Once again I could not bring myself to use Velveeta (or substitute), so I used some Holey Cow in place. It came together pretty well.

Ham and Grilled Cheese

I delicately try to slice very slim slices of ham, and combined that with some fresh mild Alp Blossom to a wonderful effect. I used some La Mie bread (Thanks Darren).

Tuna Steaks

In the sous vide, 45 minutes later, just a touch of heat on the plan on both sides, served with fresh spinach.

Butter Chicken

I didn’t end up getting the vindaloo spice, but used a mixture of curry and some dried peppers. It was good. I remember enjoying this. This is much later, I just remember this wasn’t posted.

Hamburgers Spiked with Sugared bacon

Diced up a few slices of bacon, mixed them in with some grass fed beef, cooked them relatively slowly (only 2 smoke alarm warnings and 1 smoke alarm). They turned out very good. Maybe I should have put the bacon and make it smaller, but it still turned out really well.