
2024 - Week 38 Cooking Results

I had a bit of work to do on Saturday night and Sunday morning. While I am almost never up this early, the raining and drop in temperature put a smile on my face (as much as I could while being tired) and I turned off the air and have a nice rain scented chilled air come in the windows for a pleasant reminder that it is actually fall.

Lamb Burger

I chatted with Jeremy at the farmer’s market and he described the lamb burger at the Iowa State Fair, and became convinced that it was time to have a lamb burger again. So good. I love lamb.

Blackend Chicken Sandwich

I used some of the cajun seasoning that I still have leftover and sauteed the chicken and broke it up for sandwiches. Good meal for a hot week in mid to late September

Grilled Cheese and Mortadella

Melty cheese, mortadella, good dinner.

Spaghetti Squash

I picked this up at the Iowa Food Coop, after ordering it the previous week. I warmed up the oven and started the baking of the squash, then started the red sauce. Hot Italian sausage, onions, then some sauce and diced tomatoes, herbs and spices. Eventually it came out pretty well. I scraped the squash and we combined it together for a good meal.

Creamy Sesame Noodles

Skipped, will visit it again later.

Frittata With Bacon, Corn, and Gruyère

Used a bit more Gruyere then called for, but even so it came out pretty good. Not to hard to do, even though I started it a bit late after a nap.