
2010 - Week 51 Cooking

In the past week, I went to two relatively new restaurants.  On this past Thursday, Shannon and I went to Zingaro.  I kept a smile on my face from the beginning to the end of this trip.  Everything was playful and it just made very well.  I really enjoyed it.  The Chef, Hal Jasa, I ran into on a fairly regular basis between the Des Moines Farmers Market and Mars Cafe (he remade their menu and had a Farmer's Market Salad).  I watched him do amazing things when 1/3rd of his cooking tools broke one morning, and I watched him riff to figure out how to deliver the items ordered with the reduced tools.  It was quite impressive.  I hope it turns out well for him.

I went down to Flour Pizza  with a couple of co-workers.  Shannon and I tried to go a bit before but, well, I didn't realize they weren't open in the evening.  It was quite good.  I had some Azucar and it was quite good, along with their pizza as well.  Shannon and I will go down there again sometime during this next week.

Over the next week I suspect I'm going to be working pretty late (yay) so because of that the meal are going to be very simple.