
2010 - Week 28 Cooking

Sean and Becki brought some of the first tomatillos and peppers of the season to market this past Saturday.  I got a few tomatillos and a pepper (don't know what kind, but I'll slice it and put it on a a sandwich I suppose).  This makes me a bit excited, because that means that the peppers are going to come in abundance soon.  Including the roasted peppers. 

In searching for recipes for the tomatillos it is surprising how many of them are for a sauce or salsa and how few are actually diced up and put in.  Kind of surprising, I think.  You would think that they could be used for more, but perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place.

On Monday, No Reservations is having their Heartland episode.  When Anthony Bourdain spoke at the Civic Center he did have nice things to say about Lois's Robiola.  I am excited to see the episode, so much so, I might even watch it live...with commercials.  Des Moines has come such a long way, in the time that I have lived here, on the path towards being a foodie paradise.  I have bought some Robiola and plan to have that as part of that dinner or perhaps a dessert afterwards (with jam).