
2011 - Week 38 Cooking

The weather has turned.  This is clearly shown by the fact that I am purposefully wearing both long pants and socks.  Though the heat hasn't been turned on yet (closed windows and warm enough days have kept the house warm).  And with that, my cravings for fall dishes, including chili has grown.  I was thinking about making chili for game night tonight, but when it came down to it, I just didn't have enough time (and/or drive) on Friday to get the beans and other ingredients that I would need to put together a chili for tonight.  Though I will be making it this next weekend.  I have the roasted peppers, I'm ready to go for it. 

This next week is a special week.  Five years ago on September 23 we both signed on the dotted line and had quite the celebration for our Wedding.  Since that time, we've done a lot of things together, a few things apart but I have to say personally, it has probably been the best time of my life (other things have been a bit odder).  I'm glad we got married, and I'm glad we're still married.

  • Chili
  • Moroccan-Style Chicken Sandwich (p59 September 2011 Bon Appétit)
  • Pasta with Butcher Crick Tomatoes (sort of based on this) (actually going to go closer to this, this time)
  • Shepherds Pie