
2014 - Week 18 Cooking

So I'm trying to clear out some space in the freezer.  It's not really winter anymore, though winter has been holding on with a death grip and occasionally pops up its head, and Shannon usually swaps out soup for Frozen meals.  So That is the point of doing the things that I've been doing.

On another matter, my pork vendor (occasionally lamb and beef too), Crooked Gap, has not renewed their placement at the Farmer's Market.  I certainly understand the decision (timing, etc), but will miss that weekly interaction.  Maybe I'll just have to have a separate "pork" budget.  Honestly what I need to do is sign up for his meat CSA and get me a freezer for the basement, though I need the freezer first.  This means we need to make space in the basement for the freezer and figure out how to get it in there.

On the note of freeing up freezer space, HAM!  I have a big ass ham in the freezer and I'm going to use it.  I debated waiting for the chive blossoms to come, but, they're just starting to pop their heads up.

  • Spaghetti and Italian Sausage (from last week)
  • Smoked Lamb
  • Egg Salad
  • Ham & Peas & Mac & Cheese
  • Ham, Scrambled Eggs and Onion
  • Ham (Steaked) and Mashed Potatoes (with Chives)