
2016 - Week 49 Cooking Results

Kapusniak (leftover bacon, potatoes)

Lots of meat, good stuffs.  Relatively easy to make and a good use of cabbage (and sauerkraut when you have a lot of it).  I'm now through my first jar of kraut.

Italian Sausage with Lentils and Kale

This turned out to be more delicious then I thought it would be.  While a bit too carby, it was a good meal.

Chicken v Steak

I had some leftover chicken the next day that I cut fairly thinly and made it into a sandwich.

Baked Quinoa with Roasted Butternut Squash & Gruyere

Vegetarian, kind of like a pasta bake, but with more quinoa.  You forget how filling quinoa can be, when you don't have it for a while.

Buttermilk Pancakes

good as always, certainly a good way to use up the buttermilk.