
2017 - Week 32 Cooking Results


Om nom nom nom.

Black Bean Breakfast Tacos

Simple, easy, pretty good.

London Bangers

This had a nice flavor to this.  Served these with a simple spinach salad.

Spiced Beef Pitas

I didn't make patties, I made loose meat, and it worked out pretty well.  Surprisingly good with the spice mixture, certainly something to use the leftover pumpkin pie spice.

Chicken Salad with a bit of Fennel, maybe separate fennel

I used a little bit of fennel.  a lot of asian type of flavors.  Turned out pretty well.

Gochujang Marinated Skirt Steak

I didn't have the paste, I had a sauce.  I allowed the meat to marinate for a day or so.  That being said, it had a nice flavor to it.  I enjoyed the little taco type of thing that I had.  Good stuffs.