
2019 - Week 41 Cooking

I graduated from cardiac rehab (effectively nurse supervised exercise) this past Friday, which effectively removes the restrictions I have had on me. Because of all this, I removed the delay of finding a solution to regular exercise. I do enjoy my bike thing, but unlike a walk where even if it is repetitive, it’s changing for my eyes (shadow changes as the sun rises, noticing something else in a tree). At the cardiac rehab, they’d normally play a health related video then Jeopardy, which between that and what I was listening to (music, podcasts or audio book) was enough to keep my brain distracted from 50 or so minutes of cardiac exercise. I’ll have to figure something to do at home, but I’m finding a new nice balance.

I still struggle with food choices. I’m eating less of things I shouldn’t, but break down from time to time (yesterday was a prime example of a problematic day). It’s not like I don’t make good choices, it’s that I seem to miss the not good ones to much.