
2020 - Week 15 Cooking Results

Carrot and White Bean Burgers

So, not near as good as the really awesome black bean burgers, but they are pretty ok. Not bad to make. I made them around lunch time, made the Pattys and then stuck them in the fridge.

I then went to pick up the makings for tacos for tomorrow from the cheese bar. (Eeeeeeeeeeeeee)

I cooked off 3 of the patties I made, and then we had dinner.

Egg Salad (this is almost as Easter for me as Easter)

So I made something like what I made for a chicken salad sandwich. I used my sous vide to make the eggs with the big container. So I did a whole dozen of eggs at the same time in the middle of the day (started at lunchtime, took the eggs out around 2 to put in the fridge). It made most of it pretty easy. I thought it was pretty good. there were four eggs left, Shannon made them into her own egg salad Saturday.

Tagliatelle With Prosciutto and Peas

Couldn’t find tagliatelle, so I used a widish long pasta (linguine?). This was easy to do and came together quickly. I got some freshly cut La Quercia and went from there. Easy, I let Shannon have both of the leftover servings.

Quick Tomato Chicken Curry

It was sort of quick. I forgot to add the yogurt at the end which, while it tasted fine, when I added it the next day it was pretty good. I was pretty satisfied with how it turned out. It did make the house smell like curry. Shannon also mentioned that it made her mask smell like curry as well, and as she wears that all day in the office… Anyways, it was pretty good.