
2021 - Week 6 Cooking Results

Ultimate Beef Stew

I meant to start a bit earlier, but I took a short nap. I got to work, taking a number of pictures and posting them along the way. I knew that I didn’t get a few things (purposefully swapped whiskey for brandy (want to buy brandy, just not in the cards right now). I apparently forgot to buy fennel, and I like fennel. I added a red onion and then ground up some fennel seeds. I made some adaptations, since I knew it called for boneless short ribs. So after the first oven stage, I pulled the bones out of the meat and chopped the beef up into manageable pieces. All in all, I don’t know about “ultimate” but I do know it was pretty fantastic. I suspect there was a bit of flavor missed out on, since I had to adjust the cooking method since my smoke detector went off a couple of times, and that was an extra problem, because Shannon was napping. I really do need an exhaust fan.

Macaroni and Cheese With Black Beans and Chipotle

So, the beans from the can needed a bit more time and the way this worked out, they were still a bit dense. I thought it detracted from it. Perhaps more time? But there’s always the balance to not over cook the noodles (to much). Pre cook them in the pasta water? I should try this again. I thought I’d have leftovers, but they disappeared before I could eat lunch (Shannon).

Kimchi and Spam Fried Rice

I knew Spam was fatty and it certainly is, but it fried up really nice with crisp skin. I had some Brinery kimchi and dinner came together very quickly (noting that I made there rice the previous day). It was pretty good.

Sloppy Sammys

We had some leftovers form the snack Sunday. So little change up and we had taco salad. As a side note, I said something about pulling it out my ass, then there were lots of butt jokes and that turned into ass salad jokes. Anyways, taco salad with beef. Good things.

Bangers over Potatoes and onions

Less onions then when I made the fish dish, but still an easy to do sheet pan dinner. Lucky George bangers for the win.