
2021 - Week 28 Cooking Results

Endive, Soft Egg, Bacon

Jennie described a salad like this. I don’t think I got it right, but it was still pretty good.

Bangers and Fingerling Potatoes


Pork and Sugar Snap Pea Stir-Fry

I had some snap peas in my CSA share, and bought more at the farmers market and then put this together. I added probably double to triple of the chili garlic sauce, swapped the ginger for dried ginger. It ended up pretty good. I ate the leftovers for breakfast the next morning. Quite delicious. I even put the peanuts in it (which I normally wouldn’t do, since Shannon isn’t a fan).

Breakfast Burritos with Poblano, Beans, Corn, and Crispy Potatoes

Probably the most healthy of the set of these. Still pretty good. I upped the chili powder.

Hot Dogs

These turned into brats, since I couldn’t find the hot dogs I thought I had.