
2021 - Week 31 Cooking Results

Tuna with Warm Green Bean Salad with Shallots and Mustard

I thought about keeping the mustard thing going, so I quickly google tuna with a mustard cream sauce, then vaguely followed the recipe. I worked on all three parts at about the same time. Bringing the water to boil, prepping the sauce, so it can reduce, then getting the yellowfin tuna in the oven, then beans, in, out, shallots in, mustard and other things in, check tuna, tuna out, beans back in, put everything on a plate. A lot of quick cooking and thinking to have it all together. Not too shabby. Beans were a bit to mustardy for Shannon, and tasting her’s vs mine, she wasn’t wrong. Overall a success, though maybe I shouldn’t have pumped up the mustard as much as I did, but it did seem to treat the sauce well.

Grown-Up Stovetop Macaroni and Cheese

I should’ve used American, like I did the last time I did this, but it was still ok. Not creamy, but ok. I did add some corn startch that has helped smooth out the sauce in the past, but this did not pull it together.

Bacon Arugula and Tomato

Ahh, the season of tomatoes begins. I got a few and used a few. it may still be a bit early, but it is starting. I got a few more for this coming week.

Ham and Egg on English muffin

Good as always. Used up the last of the free ham.

Sheet Pan Shrimp “Boil”

Delayed! Forgot about a Saturday night thing, good thing I didn’t take the shrimp out of the freezer.