
2022 - Week 39 Cooking Results

Chickpea Curry

Simple, quick, and vegetarian.

Chicken Stroganoff

Shannon is no the biggest fan of beef, so this is nice compromise, It still has that flavor from the stroganoff but with a nice roasted chicken added instead. It did take a bit, so it was a good weekend meal, but was worth it.

Grilled Cheese

I sliced some tomatoes, had some sliced prairie breeze on the bottom, and some mortadella on the top, and proceeded to griddle them into a nice sandwich. good things.

Sloppy Joes

Ground beef, good things.

Spam and Egg sandwich

I bought a bit of Spam at Costco for various dishes, but haven’t used any for a bit, so this seemed like a good way to use it. It does really fry up nice, which makes sense, since it’s so, relatively, high in fat. layered on an english muffin over cheese and under a fried egg, Good stuff.