
2022 - Week 50 Cooking Results

Stir-Fried Udon With Bacon, Parmesan & Gochujang

To start, this recipe calls for 2 blocks of frozen udon noodles. The problem here is that this may not be available to a person. There are many comments below on the noodles, but the translation of item to weight is kind of silly. here’s best, here’s dry, etc. Give people options.

I added more gochujang, and used about a pound of fresh noodles. It turned out ok.

French Toast

This was more of what I was thinking off. I ended up using a whole loaf of challah, which I have decided is just too dense. I still have a loaf left, but I’ll make french toast again to finish it off.

Pasta and Bean Soup

I have been thinking about the box, which was a bit unexpected, but actually makes sense as a price cutting measure. The box the local brand came in was basically a mac & cheese box, filled with 12oz of orzo. So you buy more of the mac and cheese boxes, getting a discount and remove a box size from the line up. I assume it will save money. I was looking for the box that I would normally look for, and they were in different sized box, so I actually and to engage the noggin for a bit.

I added to the size cause I felt like more onions and celery. I re-boiled the turkey stock for a bit to make sure anything that may have grown in there, died off. And as, with last time, the stock eventually got sucked up into the orzo. I started taking photos, but apparently stopped. Still good, good as leftovers too.

Egg and Muffin Sandwich

I stuffed some rolls that I bought from La Mie in the freezer, and I thought this would be a good place to use these rolls. However I used them for the Sloppy Sammy’s first. So these ended up on larger rolls, so it was fine, just not as I intended. I tried to get that nice flatness to layered eggs and it seemed to work well. The sausage was from a larger Duroc pork producer, that I just happened to see at the grocery store. Good things.


These ended up being some La Quercia online purchase. I had wanted the mustard, but also wanted to not pay shipping. So I added them via mail order and went from there. They stayed in the freezer for quite a bit, but pulling them out I remembered it. It was good, not outstanding, but good.

Sloppy Sammys

I forgot to get vegetables for this, so I had to stop at the grocery store just down the street to get an onion and a green pepper. I also forgot to get rolls, and thought, hey I got those La Mie roles, forgetting that I planned to use them later in the week. Even so it still worked.