
2023 - Week 34 Cooking Results


Chili and cheese hot dogs…they were ok.

Bangers and Potatoes

I thought I had some additional potatoes then the ones I bought at the farmer’s market. However, they had gotten a bit gross, so I tossed them. So less potatoes, but bangers…good things.

Eggs and Bacon Sandwich


Chicken Salad with Kimchi

I followed this for the most part, but did end up skipping some of the oil, and the sesame seeds, though I added toasted sesame seed oil and then adding mayo. I figured it probably wouldn’t be great to eat tiny seeds when I was about to have a colonoscopy. I liked this overall it was nice, however when I was fasting the next day to prepare for the colonoscopy, it was there, tempting me, calling me to eat some of it. But I resisted.

I had my 4th or 5th colonoscopy earlier this week, less than 5 years after my previous one. The prep was a bit different, though that may be that I forgot the last time, and a kind of annoying change. Waking up early, drinking the last quarter (more like fifth) of the solution wasn’t exactly how I wanted to spend my morning. Things turned out ok. One benign polyp. After we stopped by 5 boroughs bagels. I ate the bagel with smoked salmon and capers, while Shannon drove us home. I felt awake, but after trying to watch a show, I started to nod off. I went upstairs and napped for a good 3 hours. That night, we picked up sandwiches at the Cheese Shop for dinner.

Going out to pickup dinner on Saturday, I realized that Ingersol Live was going on as parking was challenging. I did find a spot, and got in and out right quick.