
The party's over!

So my party went off pretty well last night. A dent was made in all the stuff that I bought, although not a huge dent...but a dent none the less. It's too bad that some people didn't show up, I would've liked to see them....but oh well. There was a good turn out. So Here's my kitchen before (piles of snack food):

Here's the start of the booze:

Ben was the first to arrive...but he was traveling down from Dekalb:

Ben brought me a martini shaker and two lead glass martini
of which I broke while I was preparing a deli tray (stupid stupid
stupid). That's was really cool. The glass is the kind that you
can make sing, but rubbing the top of it with a little water.

Brandon brought over a card table and some chairs...that I put in the
dining room. After that Ben and Brandon headed off to target and
hyvee and brandon bought some brats and hamburgers for the grill

Seth arrived and brought me a bottle of the Remy Martin VSOP....mmmm...
A little while after that Brianna arrived and Bri, Ben, Seth and
I partook in the Remy.

Brandon, after going home to get ready, comes back officially and
him and Val arrive.

Val and Brandon:

Brandon pours a little out for the homeys that can't be here and starts
up the grill

Briana, Barbara and Tom (my realtor):

Matt and Rich Arrive. Matt brings me a bottle of Single Barrel Jack

My boss (Proctor) arrives.

Charity and Michelle.

Dave arrives (he rode his bicycle (he lives like two blocks away)).

Charity, Kristy, Michelle, and Proctor

Bri and a sun-burned Jen.

Brandon, Dusty, and Jen

Chris and Holly on their tour of my house...well the begining of the

Dave, Jerry, Rene, Jen, Bri, and Ryan (and a mean vicious game of

Rene, Jerry, Jen, Bri, Ryan, and Sethy (with me and Jen and Ryan and
Jerry playing cribbage (Jen and I wont that game (but just barely).

Ben, Val, Brandon, and Jason being rowdy (sorta) on my deck. My neighbors
allowed me to barrow their deck furniture.

Dave, Rene, Jerry, Bri, Jen and the back of Ryan's head while Jen
and I were playing Bri and Ryan at cribbage (they won).

That's me...cause Seth decided to take a silly picture.

Jen trying to wake up Dusty (sleeping on my floor in my spare bedroom).

The mess in the living room

What's left in the dining room (plenty of crackers but no cheese).

The kitchen...I don't think I need to say more then that.

All and all the party went off pretty well, I was pretty happy and
it sounds
like people did
have a lot of fun, which is cool. I cleaned up a little after
most everyone left and for a few hours in the morning and the house
was pretty close to
normal again.