
The kids make me feel old

So I showed up last night at the House of bricks about half a hour before the show started. I left my coat in the car, in my sweet parking space across the street (so that for most of the time that I was in there I could watch my car). I went in, paid my 10$ cover and got me a Bass

So the show that night consisted of:

The Fully Down
I Am The Avalanche

So I assume the first band was the Fully down, and well not really my style. They were from Canda...or at least they said so on stage. One suggesting here, less talk more rock. They kept trying to get the crowd to come in closer and be more active, the crowd wasn't so much into that.

Brandon arrived and we started yelling at each other about work (kinda hard to talk over the music).

Second up, was I am the Avalanche, I assume. I got groovin to this one a little, but certainly not enough to actually buy anything.

Brandon and I chatted more.

Punchline came up and Brandon and I headed towards the stage. It was fun, and by no doubt in my mind the best I've seen them. I guess being on the road for most of 3 years certainly helps your comfort level. It was a lot of fun, their short replacement guitarist was good too and really knew the songs. It was quite impressive actually (their regular guitar player apprently was on a long before planned vacation w/ his mom). The bass player was a bit tipsy and kept giving shout outs to long standing fans. Also near the end of the show, they said that Des Moines was the capitol of Snapping (yes it's silly).

After the show, with a little reminder from Brandon, they remembered who he was and Brandon talked to a few of them for a while. I think one of the highlights of the conversation was between the bass player and brandon and how wierd he thought it was that some of his friends (Fall out Boy) were now millionares...I imigine that would be wierd.

Then Halifax came on stage, meh...

After more chatting after the show ended, they kicked the minors our and shortly after that I decided that it was time to go home.

On thing that I've been having trouble with lately, is that the music I like is more youthful then I am. So, I often feel very old at these shows. At the House of Bricks, I was probably the oldest one there....excluding the staff of the place. It was the same way the Last time I saw Fall Out Boy. But I still enjoy it. Oh well...