So Saturday she comes over after me trying to make her decide what we are doing tonight. Well...she did decide to some extent. So we decided that we wanted Brats and potato salad for dinner and chocolate malts for dessert. So we headed over to dahls to get the ingrediants for chocolate malts and some potato salad. We ended up just kinda chilling at home. The Chocolate Malts, although they tasted good, weren't very thick, cause I blended them too long. We started watching Fight Club but I kept falling asleep, and she was tired too. So we headed to bed. Apprently my snoring was worse. Apprently I snore the least on my right side.
So today we were lazy, I read in bed for two hours or so (so she could have at least a little uninterupted sleep). I made us breakfast around 11. Scrambled eggs and toast (and bacon for me), it turned out pretty well...except for the bacon, which I didn't watch closely enough and burned. We headed over to her house and fed her cats, headed back and got ready to go to Miss Saigon at the Civic Center.
We met Chris, and Holly, and Sarah (Holly's sister) at Buzzard Billys, and although the service was extremely slow, that night, the food was good.
We then walked over to the Civic Center and saw Miss Saigon. Now the first half, had it's moments, but was kinda dry in parts. The second half was a lot quicker and more fun. I really enjoyed it. The gunshots kinda made myself or Shannon jump on the ocassion. It was a lot better acted then grease.
Afterwards, we all waked back to our cars and Shannon and I left to get some dessert...but where. We tried Mondo's, closing, Maggie Moo's, closed, and then perkins (open) to have some pie. It was quite good.
I took her back to my house, she gathered up her things and, after making our goodbyes, headed home.
So...this weekend was extra fun.