So Shannon doesn't like vegetables. well...not a wide variety to put on the side. If it's mixed in with other things then it's all good. So like in things like chineese food or something it's all good. But putting most vegetables on the side of like a pork chop or something. Not so popular. It's kinda hard cause I'm like the one that buys vegatables and thinks, hey I'm buying for two now, and then it's only me that kidna eats 'em. So now we got this big stack of frozen vegetables in the freezer...(partly cause the non-sauced stir fry is a bit plan jane for both of us). But I did get an Asian cookbook so that should help...just need to get an idea of how to spice things without adding salt.
So I found out that potatoes have lots of potassium! I love potatoes! Yummy! We've now gone through a few pounds of potatoes.
Things have been going pretty good. Gracie likes me a bit more and comes to see me before Shannon gets home.
We split a lot of chores, do things to gether, and she does dishes and I cook. So that works.
I've been listening to a lot of podcasts recently. I've been through, over the last week, all of the This Week In Tech pod casts and I've just listened to all of the Digg Nation. It's kinda a high light of tech stories that I may miss...or just a little more info.
I also have been ejoying Digg as a new source for interesting news. It's kind cool cause you can promote things to get put on the front page, but digging them. I may be adding a feed to my website to link to the stories that I think are kinda cool.
Sleeping is getting pretty bad. It's way to hot up there. I've been thinking off an on about charging an A/C unit on my credit card, but I like that I don't have anything on my credit card. I probably could've bought it already, if i didn't have some medical bills related to my sleep study that had to be paid. *sigh* So my window is about 2'2" square and my upper level is about 591 square feet. So it's not gonna be too big. I think I may do that on my way home today...I don't know if I can take another night of sweating into my sheets.
The forum I setup is going ok...It' goes in bursts. Adam and Tiff signed up I think the only people left are not to many...I think. People just gotta get posting. I think it may take a while, cause they got so used to not doing it cause Cribzero was unavailble for so long.
This weekend we're heading up north to see Grandma, Hyrum (older brother), Diane (his wife), and Spencer and Daillin (their kids). My fear is that Grandma may not be around for much longer, cause, well, for the first time, ever, she forgot my birthday. My parents, they usually remember...late, and thats fine cause my mind is like there and I have trouble keeping track of what day it is, let alone the significance of that day. But grandma, always, either before or the day of, birthday card (even when the parental one arrives a month late :). I have trouble seeing people like this. My grandpa (dad's dad) was a big strong guy, and seeing him all worn down from the cancer, was, well...I have to struggle to remember the other things. That picture comes into my head first and I have to push it down to bring up things like him camping, or shooting 22's out back or whatever. Grandma is the best cook I've known that didn't really do it professionally. The treats she make (cookies, cakes, etc) are awesome, and the other cooking is great too. I remember a story my mom likes to tell of how my Dad told her that she was almost as good a cook as his mom, and intially she was offended, but when she actually had Gramma's cooking, she realized how much of a complement that is.
Last night, I helped Shannon sign up with her 401k at her work. I tried, as best I knew, to explain as to what the stuff meant, and how to read and judge the prospectus. The look from her eye said that it pretty much bored her to tears. I also used some of the tools that my 401k provider has to judge that if I can get a 6 or 7% return on my investments over the next 36 years, that I can retire somewhere between 1 or 2 million. Of course, that'll probably be worth a lot less, but that also doesn't take into account that I'll earn anymore more money then I do now and donate anymore money to my 401k.