

So I got a call from Nathan last night, and apprently he's got some work stuff going on Sunday (which he gets payed double time for), so he'll not be coming up this weekend to see the house and go to the Fair. Ahh well.. They'll be up the next weekend though, so that'll be good.

Next weekend is IHS Adventureland weekend

We also got a call last night from Joesph's Jewelers and Shannon's ring is in today, so we'll be heading out to get it this afternoon to get it, on our way to officially reserve the wedding chapel. Hopefully she'll let me handle it long enough to take pictures ;)

Also this week we're gonna start registering place, we're not really expecting people to buy from, but they are apprently having a contest there where you could win a $2500 gift certificate there. And hey, if someone wants to buy us stuff from there, it's not like I'm gonna complain about it.

Gas prices are really starting to annoy me. I suspect today will be the first time I pay 30$ for a tank of gas on a car that I own (I've paid that much, I think, on my my parents van that they had when I was younger, but...that had two gas tanks).

A little over 13 months remain between now and marriage. Maybe I should break out the flash count down timer that I wrote a while ago. I also plan to make a wedding site for us.