
Wedding show, ticket, Matt's Apt

So Sunday Morning, we're heading out, a little early, we head down 42nd street, I get some cash, then stop at La Mie for a Mocha, and head to the interstate, things going smootly, we heading through downtown Des moines, My cell phone alarm goes off, reminding me it's time to take my pills. After beating myself up for a bit, we head back towards home. I run in, take my pills and make the decision that I'm going to move my pill taking time up from 10:AM to when I wake up...

So we make the 42nd street run again, get on the interstate, I look over, and some lady is just hiding in my blind spot, so I accelerate to get past her, and when I'm slowing down, Shannon mentions that there is a cop on the on ramp over there, so I check my speedometer and I'm going 65, so I'm thinking no biggie, only an extra jerk of a cop would pull me over for 10 over or less.

Apprently he clocked me at higher. Cause I see the flashing lights in my rear view mirror and he pulls me over. Now of the experiences with cops that I've had, this was probably one of the better ones, it's all bussiness, no baloney, I was done in 15 minutes, no wasting my time.

So the crime? Apprently I was going 74 in a 55, so 19 over...I remember these things being much more dramatic, but I guess it just didnt' affect me that much, but it did give me something to talk about that day. I'm not gonna say that I'm guilty, but I do have somewhat of a lead foot and I probably deserve it...

Oh well.

The rest of the drive, I complained about how slow I felt we were going, so I eventually went from doing the limit, to 5 over to 7 over, to 9 over like I would normally do. Oh well...I guess I learned nothing from it :) I'm curious as to what this'll do to my insurance rates. I think my old ticket (which was for 10 over almost 5 years ago, that cop (from Clive) was a huge ass).

We went to Shannon's parent's (Bob and Linda) and I looked through a scrap book with pictures of her childhood and that was nice. She has funny pictures of her (that she's embarressed of), just like I have funny pictures of me.

Afterwards, I called Matt and left a message and then called Nathan and headed over to the Matta's. I got there just in time to get Taylor all excited before she took her nap (probably not a good thing). I got a call back from Matt and he said he'd give me a call when he was done with the errends he had to run that day. 20 minutes after Taylor went down for her nap, Jenny (who is still pregnant, which I guess it's not still since her due date is actually next week, but she's been having practice contractions for a while now) headed upstairs for her nap. Nathan and I headed downstairs to play some video games. We settled on a sort of Diablo/Gautlet style game, which we made it through a few parts of the first mission, before Taylor had waken up and was stirring in her crib.

So up we got and then a little while later jenny woke up and we all played with Taylor.

I got a call back from Matt, he told me to check with Shannon, I did, she was happily watching the bridal fashion show with her mom and sister, so I headed over to Matt's new apartment.

It was pretty spacious (2 bedrooms) for only $550 he's paying in rent. Which is quite a bit smaller then what he was paying before. So his friend Stacy and her child Devon were also there and I got the tour and we chatted about things and stuff and drank down a Guiness (Which I'm thinking he bought just cause I was coming over).

I got a call from Shannon and they were headed back to her parent's, so I told her to get a ride over to the Matta's (since they had offered to feed us, if we wanted to join them for dinner) and I'd be over in a bit. Also Taylor wanted to see her (Shannon! Shannon! Purple! Purple! (She was wearing a purple sweater when Taylor associated the color with her)), so after a bit, I bid my farewell and drove back across town.

We had pasta from a CR pasta place, and it was good, it was nice. We thanked them for putting up with us for a 3rd weekend in a row and headed out of town.

The drive back to Des Moines went pretty smooth, and we got home and I'm glad that next weekend we don't have to travel.

Oh, Shannon got a good idea of what she wants to do for her bouquet, so that's good.