So I went to the doctor last night, and after a week of snot, muted hearing (some on the left, a ton on the right), and what not, I found out that I have an ear infection! Yay!
Anyways, I've got and antibiotic script and a few free samples of stuff that should bring down tissue swelling in my head...Oh and my blood pressure was high. I don't know if it was because I was having a higher then normal stress day, or that I had a few more doses of caffeine then I normally do...but it was at an unacceptable level.
Got paged at 7:45 this morning. The PDF converter that we are currently using was having some issues and locked up the coldfusion service...(hoooray). I was also having trouble connecting to the ssl/VPN at work with my macbook, so I then had to quick get dressed and drive into work. (although I did email the co-worker responsible for that so we can maybe look into it on Monday).
I got my new laptop on this past one would think that this is a good thing...but's not. I don't know how they installed stuff on there, but nothing is working like it should. Double clicking on a document somewhere (like on my desktop or in an explorer window) will cause the directory open to hang and then takes somewhere between 1 to 2 minutes to open...considering this is a brand new, Lenovo T60, it should be a bit faster then that. Or if Brandon sends me a link to look at a site or something, it'll take about the same amount of time to open that in IE or FF (it seems to choose at random). Also It's wireless doesn't work worth a crap. IBM's or Lenovo's wireless utility sucks balls and I have to hand enter anything and half the time it resets what I put it and changes them back to WEP instead of WPA. And even after changing my wireless WPA key to something simpler then what I normally do. The only time it would connect was when I had encryption turned totally off, which is not acceptable. It is having problems with settings. I tried to change the default settings for what IE will open when you want to edit/view a webpage...every time I would save, the program would lock up (I even let it try over night). They nuked my profile and that was better, but it still didn't fix the other stuff. Now my debate is, do I wipe the computer and start fresh myself, or do I make them do it (they said they'd get me a new computer, when in all seriousness it's the image that they installed on there)?
Ever since we moved the wireless from the family room downstairs to the laundry room (better wire to the cable), we've had intermittent wireless problems. Sometimes things work great, but most of the time, it'll connect...and then drop, then reconnect then drop, when sitting upstairs. I think that apple's wireless strength meter is total crap. It used to work great with A and not so much with G and now it's working decent with G and not so much with A.
And we're at an odd place to buy new wireless equipment. I've seen a thing online to replace the wireless adapter on the macbook with one compatible with N, but N is still draft and even if it supports G do I really want to get N if I can't use it to it's fullest extent? I've also been thinking about Apple's Airport Extreme router (supports draft N), but can I be sure that I can have one and have it work in the house, or will I need a second access point to get it to the point where I have strong wireless signal all over the house. Does Apple's thing support that or do I need to go with another wireless brand, so I can get the repeater...or do I even want to go there first and maybe I should just investigate a wireless repeater/access point...grrr...
anyways I gotta go get ready to get my tux fitted.