
3 Years...

So three years ago at 10:53 PM tonight, I posted my first post to my online journal....I didn't start posting to my LiveJournal until 8/9 of that year.

Sometimes I wonder why I do this, and then I go back and read about things that I forgot about, and smile because it's like my out of mind storage place. I don't post everything here, of course, but I do post a lot.

This will be my 913th post to my journal (~304 per year). I've had 40 comments on and 454 on LiveJournal for a total of 494 comments (~164 per year). I've had a few surprises as to who reads my journal (Catherine (formerly Shipley), Clif, one of Holly's friend's whos name I forget (sorry), etc) and I'm also surprised at who doesn't read it (my Mom, for example).

The Journal started at being a sort of recording of my experiences bidding on and moving into the house that I live in now (where the 3 year anniversary of living there is coming up pretty quick too). A lot has changed over these three years. New house, new car, dating, dating seriously, moving in together, getting married, adjusting to married life.

Anyways, it's been an interesting 3 years.