

So I have been thinking for a while, if what I do is really what I want to do for the rest of my life. I'm ok at it...but nothing revolutionary by any sense of the word. But what, really can I do? Change jobs to go for something more forward looking? I do like what I do, and want to continue...but where does it lead? Am I gonna do this for years? Is 31 to early to go through a mid-life crisis?

Along with working on a web based game with Chris, I've got an idea or two bouncing around in my head...

Being some sort of cook, chef or baker, is probably out, since I don't really have the ability to take a drop in income that would be required...and even if I did, do I really want to spend day in and day out, doing that?

What adds to it as well, is that Shannon is also going through the same thing. She did the forestry thing for a while, went back to school, and has done the Vet Tech thing for a while, but, now...who knows?

I do know, sort of, what she is going through, I guess...but it's tough.

You get the wedding, you have the house, what's next? Kids? I don't know if either of us are ready for that. I don't know...we kind of have to get our ducks lined up...

And then, maybe we can use the fat from the ducks to melt and make french fries.