
2012 - Week 47 Cooking Results

Goat Bratwurst

Pretty, good, nice and simple.  Easy meal after a long day.

Grilled Cheese And Creamy Tomato Soup (p56 Bon Appetit October 2012)

Skipped, doing next week.

Grass Fed Beef Burgers

again, simple, following up.

Turkey Soup

So I planned to make turkey soup on Friday, but after the work day, I didn't.  So the Bones and leftover meat on the carcass slowly simmered for a couple of days.  It created a nice stock.  Flavored with some of the left over spices from the meat.  I added water to as it steamed out.  To make the soup I added a red onion, a couple of white onions (diced), some carrots (chopped), celery (chopped), some spices (salt, pepper, szechuan pepper, dried jalapeno), some peppers some ground turkey (didn't have a ton of actual turkey left) and some turkey.  It turned out pretty well.


So things turned out well, I was generally happy.  The sweet potatoes ended up being more of a roasted dish, I forgot I was using brandy, and used the bourbon instead.  I over did the roasted carrots, which was a shame, the really smelled good.  But I had forgotten to make the gravy and in my haste to get that done, the carrots spent a little to much time in the oven.  I really liked the biscuit dressing.  The orange cranberry sauce was perhaps a bit to orangey.  I was only a little late (2:30, dinner was supposed to be served at 2) but I didn't have to stay up til 3:AM.  The cheese was a nice mixture, if I do say so myself, and I think the most eaten was the 4 year old gouda (which was fantastic).  I finished off the Shropshire Blue.  The mixture was:

  • Cabot Cloth Bound Cheddar
  • Rupert
  • Shropshire Blue
  • 4 year old Boerenkass Gouda
  • La Quercia Speck and Tamworth Prosciutto

It was easier to cook for 7, but putting in that much work, it is always nice to have more around to enjoy.