
2021 - Week 27 Cooking

Since I have no particular desire to create an incentive for companies to have workers work on a holiday, I made an effort to get all the planning, shopping done on Saturday. This made for a busier then normal Saturday. Yesterday was a Blue Gate day, but I wanted a Wabi Sabi Shirt, so I headed down to the market, picked up a couple of things, got a Venezuela style Arepa from Arepa DSM (pretty good), headed to Daisy Chain coffee to hang out for a bit

I med a good dog named Yoda (white bulldog like), who was clearly interested in attention from a rotating set of people coming in and out of the shop (he got lovins from me a few times). It was nice to site back, sip a latte then a cold brew, while listening to the conversations of the people passing through.

Then I headed over to Peace Tree to pick up eggs and etc from the Blue Gate pickup and headed home, then to the Grocery store to finish out the trip.

Which led to a Sunday of sleeping in pretty late (8 hours and 4 minutes per my CPAP machine), which has made me feel better then I have in a while. Now I have two days of little responsibility outside of cooking (I did do some work today, but voluntarily, because after a 6 month back and forth, having a goal 10/11th accomplished feels good).