
2021 - Week 37 Cooking Results

This week has been probably the busiest we’ve had in a while. Wednesday was disrupted by a task that was supposed to take 1.5 hours, taken just over 7 hours. Friday we had a nice movie night, just outside the Varsity, to watch Moonrise Kingdom. Saturday we went our separate ways, Shannon had a hair appointment and I went with Josh to meet with the Mattas to pick up some beer (special release + some others) in Iowa City (thankfully missing the worst of the football related traffic). Saturday night we were back outside the Varsity, for one of the premiere screenings of Storm Lake. We both enjoyed the covering of the reporting, the local interests, and the struggle to keep the paper above water. The after talk where Art Cullen mentioned the real idea put forth in the movie was the civic engagement. Which is something that is not present in a lot of places anymore. One thing that can be done is to donate to the Western Iowa Journalism Foundation.

Spicy Carrot Sandwiches

Been a while. Fresh carrots from Grade A gardens. This may have added a bit of extra sweetness.

Thai style curried chicken fried rice


Thai style turkey sliders

I didn’t see ground turkey, but I saw chicken, so I went with that. I made things as directed, other then with chicken, and they were pretty good. I liked the quick pickled onions and cucumbers. Pretty good.


New pork breed, not sure I have an opinion yet.