
2022 - Week 21 Cooking Results

The original plan was to head down to Cedar Rapids this weekend and watch my niece and niece* graduate from high school and go to the parties the next day. This is not how the week worked out.

Shannon tested negative on antigen test on Sunday and Monday, but when in on Monday to get a PCR test and tested positive. From discussions with her manager, she was not the only one who brought this Covid home. When Shannon asked me how I was feeling to try to get an impression of my level of sickness, I honestly had to say I almost always feel not great, so at this time I felt lest not great. I tested negative on a antigen test on this past Wednesday, and then got tested w/ a PCR that afternoon, and also tested positive.

My primary care provider noticed the test result pop up, my doc is the best, and reached out to ask if I wanted to do the antiviral course. Initially I refused cause I wasn’t feeling to bad, but after discussion w/ my cohorts, changed my mind and accepted it. As of now I just finished day three (twice a day, 2 pills each time, i started in the evening) of five of the round of Paxlovid. Reading about the why that it works combining a drug to help the liver fight HIV/AIDS and then another that blocks the replication of Covid related protein, is kind of interesting.

My only side effect, is a annoying taste in my mouth, which was described as possibly metallic, but to me is more a combination of a penny, fresh dirt, and a new insight this morning, hangover mouth after drinking really shitty beer (No I didn’t drink last night). On the positive side, this is easily distracted by chewing gum or eating. So the only time I’m not doing one or the other is as I go to sleep or wake up.

As it stands, we’re mostly feeling fine, We both cough here and there, but unlike earlier in the week, for Shannon, where the amount of coughing made her wake up early, which is not a thing that normally happens. I worked the entire time, not cause I had to, since I’m remote. On Thursday I was a bit tired so I called it a day a mere 30-45 minutes early, I had already taken Friday off.

The sign I was on the mend, was when the idea of going to bed at 9:30-10:30 seemed absurd, as I’m a normally a wind down at 10:30.

We are taking the appropriate precautions, and I have ordered groceries for pickup, and I’ll break out an N95 to go pick them up and have them put them in my trunk.


Good as always.


Again, due to the amount of syrup we have, this will happen on the regular. I swapped back to the Cooks Illustrated version.

Taco Salad

Good things.

Penne with Red Pepper Pesto

I added more red peppers, red pepper flakes, Parmesan, and ricotta. It led to a savory spicy clerkly can taste the red peppers dish. Apparently I didn’t read the directions well as I a salted all the peppers. Since it is not yet tomato season, I used a can oaf diced tomatoes. I forgot to add the vinegar so I added a splash of champagne vinegar and stirred it in. I really enjoyed this, though I guess I didn’t really make the recipe but it is close-ish.