
2022 - Week 32 Cooking

There are more holes in the road. It has made it hard to get in and get out while the work. Shannon has a bit of a time getting out in the mornings, because it seems they swap which side you can get out, randomly. Friday, I needed to drop off a package at UPS and I tried between the end of my 9:30 meeting and the start of my 10:30 meeting, with no luck. I got out later in the day, but ended up parking in the church lot down the street, since construction items or equipment cover both sides of the street, and walked back home. I went down later to get my car, seeing that it might be open, but had to wait, a not to bad 5 minutes, while the dump truck was loaded. I’m looking forward to this being done. They did add a metal plate over the intersection to the main street and the street where my driveway is, since it has gotten a bit lower as time has passed. Anyways…this to shall pass.

Waiting to get back home