

After a couple weeks with quite a bit of an iron supplement, my latest hemoglobin reading was up to 10.8 g/DL (up 2.2), so I’m gaining ground on getting back to normal after a bit of a set back.

Things that seem to be returning to normal is the relative difficulty, because of to much energy, falling asleep before 10:30 PM, now that seems more to be a bedtime marker, like I have previously set my watch to remind me.

However, my ferrous sulfate reading is still a bit low, looking at the history, it’s quite a bit lower then the reading from several years ago, but that seems as a meaningless context right now. I suspect I’m using almost all the ferrous sulfate is being used to generate blood. But I guess we’ll see the next time around.

After a just shy of 8 weeks of sobriety, I broke my streak by having a bit of Connemara peated whiskey on the rocks. This was after we got home from seeing Barbie (which was delightfully subversive). This was a general test to see how it impacts me. Generally it went about as much as I expected.