
Todd’s Neat Futons, Samuel Locke-Ward vs The Bassturd, Jason Hennesy - Trumpet Blossom Cafe, Iowa City, Iowa - 7/13/2024

I had a nice, mostly relaxing, drive to and from Iowa City. At some point I recognized the drive there as the “this is the way I’d go if I was going to Big Grove Iowa City.” I’m not sure what I was expecting. I vaguely remember Todd’s Neat Futons, but I’m not if that’s by reference only or some of their actual music. I went to see the Bassturd at least once, at a place that is no longer open in Des Moines, I think? It was a while ago. I did buy a hand painted CD, though. I thought about having something, but they closed off the coffee tap, and I was sitting at a table of sober people. So Water!

Jason Hennesy

Songs were interesting and personal and usually funny.

Samuel Locke-Ward vs The Bassturd

They switched back and forth between songs as they said. It ranged from art rock to seeming like they wanted to annoy their audience.

Todd’s Neat Futons

I’ve met Todd on at least one occasion, Lived with Brandon (Dunar). The songs were based on TV, Movies, and high school things, with a few covers thrown in (cause high school band). I suppose the high school bands that I saw in high school impressed me more rather then my overly critical current state. Other then the covers, I don’t think I recognized anything and even though I forget a lot of things, I tend to hold music references in my head. So perhaps I haven’t heard them before. It was fund to watch Brandon have fun on a stage again. They closed out their set with a slightly modified “Fight for your Right to Party”.

Interesting show overall. It was this, 80/35, or nothing, Most of the time I’d end up with nothing.