
being lazy...

So I was hoping to get my A/V equipment setup least I was hoping that this morning. When I got home, I didn't hope so much anymore. I kinda just lounged around.

Later I came downstairs and adjusted my computers...and finally connected Workhorse to audio (yay I can listen to my mp3s again). and moved my computer to it's final place.

I also figured out that the trouble I have been having recently with my mouse isn't the mouse itself, but the KVM it looks like I'll have to replace that. (ugh)

I also updated the addresses with my credit cards, student loans, magazines and bank. So now everyone should know where I live (if that's good or bad is yet to be seen). One thing I gotta say is that most of them were easy...they had some online form that I could just fill out and change my info. But for the Federal student loans it took me 20 minutes to find the place where I had to login to get to change that info. I know that they have to display a lot of information...but damn.

The search for a new KVM is on!