So I got up around 9:15, and looked out the window...there was a few chairs setup out on a few peoples lawn. So I took a shower and got ready...
So I sat out my front stoop, and by this time there were quite a few people up and down the street. Included Mrs. Witt who was one of the previous owners of the house. There were plenty of marching bands and dance troupes and etc. there was even a bag pipe band and that was pretty cool.
It was fun and it was fun to watch the people too. My lawn is still in good shape and I acutally got thanked by some of the people sittin on my lawn. So that was pretty cool.
And the best thing thrown out during the entire thing was by Wells Blue Bunny who threw out bomb pops!
It was fun. I had a good time I suspect I'll be going to more Beaverdale Fall Festival stuff later.