
A couple of things...

So it's been really cold went from quite reasonable, to highs in the single digets and lows in the negative. It's kinda a sudden change... Oh is Iowa, what do I expect?

Last night I came in to find that the circuts for the power strips on both side and tripped themselves...and when reset, tripped themselves moved some plugs around and things were good....certainly one of the wierder reasons to go back into work.

We're done Christmas shopping, Shannon still has to wrap one of my presents...I've been tempted to find it in the house, but I have far.

We have presents for the kitties already...I dunno if Shannon is buying more or not.

I got paid today...and it has the extra PTO hours that I sold on my PTO hours are below 400 again...Oh well. Extra money is good though. Some of it I used to get the new Little Gamers Book...I'll probably buy a concert ticket for next year...but the rest will probably go towards the fun fun wedding debt...