Written 1/20/2007 9:43 AM
So I did see a supposed response from a Mediacom rep in my livejournal...Which I find interesting. Although i do have Google search tools setup to notify me of new entries involving my name, or Shannon's name or My work (which provides a lot of news stories around the way about the health system and opinion too.
I find it interesting and I plan to email the guy on my mediacom account when I can connect to the internet again. We'll see how that goes. So as it stands my cable internet has been down for about 8 hours on monday, 26 hours from Thursday to Friday, and since about 5:30 PM yesterday (so about 16 hours now).
This past week has be a bit obnoxious at work, other then Friday, where I left a bit after 4 (cause I had to get my hippy hair cut), I haven't left work before 5:30, and tuesday It was almost 8 before I left (yes almost 11 hours at work). But the survey I was working on is ready with it's new part and the notification went out yesterday.
Last night, Shannon, Courtney and ??, Chris, Dave, Dusty, and Ryan went to see Pan's Laberinth. Which was fantastic. The combination of dreams and reality was just exactly the kind of film that speaks to me in a very dream like way. Anyways, great movie. Oh and the Fluer's Oreo Dream Bars are fantastic.
Afterwards, we (excluding Courtney and ??) headed over to perkins where several of us ate and Shannon and I had some pie. We then headed over to the Crib and watched Crank. Which was filmed in a odd manner. The way they would flip the camera (and the text) or sometimes how you could see people reading the text on the screen, was just odd. I did like how it was filmed...but by the end of the movie, I had started to get really tired (it was around 1:30 AM) and they actually had to rewind it cause I kinda fell asleep during the last few minutes.
We headed home after that...
So not having the internet is quite annoying...it's up now...but who knows when it'll go down again. Anyways... I use our online banking a lot to track our finances, I look up recipies online, I update our netflix queue quite a bit, get maps, what not....and read my comics, tech news, and etc. I'm on quite often. so it has been quite annoying.