

So I got home last night, filled out my paperwork to be a tutor for Youth Incentives, and shortly after that started playing some gran turismo 4 to try to get me a Delorean...which might be tough since I can't buy it. But oh well..I guess this all proves how not good I am at some video games. anyways I find it fun. So I got a text message from Brandon telling me that Boonie and Yuta are at the bar with him, So I immediately call him and ask him what the deal is.

So I changed out of my work clothes, called Shannon and asked if I could stop by on my way home, and headed over to the bar right near work. So I got there and as I'm walking into the bar, brandon calls me to ask me where I'm at...

So I'm there...and shortly after I get there, Boonie and Yuta leave. Oh well. I think Yuta and Nalco now live and work down here, so I'll probably be seeing them more often. I heard Yuta works over by Valley Junction.

Anyways, after having a couple of Guinness with Brandon. I headed over to Shannon's. And we sat and talked and watch some television. She had a fairly rough day yesterday. But a few things came out of it. first being that she'll be picking up her parent's video camera on Sunday when we're down there for Isaac's recital. so I'll be meeting her parents this weekend too, along with her meeting mine. Also, her friend who lives in Kansas City is now engaged, so we'll be hanging out with them some or lots for that weekend. That's cool.

So last night I officially turned off my heat, hopefully until fall. I have a window open at this morning I was reminded why having the windows open can be a pain, as a bird woke me up a good 30 minutes before my alarm went off. But I did get some good reading in today, so thats good.

It is payday today! And the 3rd paycheck this month!

Shannon's coming over tonight for laundry, and I'm looking forward to that. We're gonna watch the Shatner show about him kinda playing a prank on the entire town of Riverside, Iowa. I recorded the first part on the dvr last night and the second part is on tonight.