
2020 - Week 1 Cooking

I’ve been doing this for over a decade. Generally for myself, I know a handful of people read it, but my stats show it’s not much more then that. I removed the ads, cause I didn’t like looking at them (and it’s be a long time since I had any sort of pay out). Book referral links remain, which again, doesn’t provide much in way of payment either. My skills have gotten better, but I only cook 4-10 hours a week, as opposed to people I know that do it as a living. I’m certainly willing to take on difficult tasks and can usually call an audible that works. I only occasionally pull a complete failure (where we both dislike it).

This year I’m going to explore more vegetarian dishes and play with fermentation a bit. I also want to audit my cookbook collection and maybe start to donate some. They’re in 4 locations now (spare bedroom, dining room, living room and digital), so it would be nice to have a reference, so I don’t accidentally buy a cookbook again (I almost bought the Noma one again). I used a gift from my parents to get two vegetarian cookbooks (One mentioned by the Mattas, the other just looked fun and was popular).

We’ll see how the year goes.